Lightshade LE
04 Feb, 2021 5:26 pm
34 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
909 909 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:03
555 543 2 1 98% 00:44 00:13 02:56
352 344 36 3 98% 01:30 00:10 25:43
174 142 0 0 82% 07:38 00:00 31:18
65 55 42 6 85% 04:44 00:05 21:22
47 37 31 5 79% 05:37 00:03 26:40
34 17 0 0 50% 16:10 00:08 34:52
32 32 8 2 100% 01:06 00:02 03:41
18 15 45 4 83% 06:28 00:53 20:59
17 8 0 0 47% 15:35 00:37 31:07
14 14 8 2 100% 00:55 00:12 01:28
12 8 15 7 67% 12:05 00:07 27:46
7 6 2 1 86% 08:23 01:04 30:34
3 3 4 0 100% 03:56 01:04 05:23


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 43.26119
Corrosive Bile 914.39113
Stop 32.01203
Attack 31793.78411
Spawn Larva 3820.03410
Cancel Morph 11.22118
Mutate into Lair 31.06391
Mutate into Hive 21.02164
Mutate into Greater Spire 11.0334
Morph to Brood Lord 156.8723
Morph to Overseer 173.18231
Caustic Spray 2111.520
Morph to Ravager 33.75117