Lightshade LE
13 Feb, 2021 11:02 am
15 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
93 23 0 0 25% 09:09 00:08 15:06
87 79 45 4 91% 01:44 00:08 08:44
42 34 36 3 81% 02:28 00:14 09:02
18 18 0 0 100% 00:33 00:33 00:33
15 13 9 4 87% 01:20 00:02 07:59
13 11 0 0 85% 03:13 00:33 07:54
8 7 13 4 88% 01:46 00:43 07:46


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 64.0616
EMP 74.54
Move 1316.1128
Attack 205185.8127
Salvage 21.610
Calldown: MULE 1813.0727
Calldown: Extra Supplies 12.2119
Cancel Structure Building 24.4823
Cancel Morph 22.720
Cancel Production 11.2313
Stimpack 3023.6822
Medivac - Load/Unload All 1014.7924
Scanner Sweep 109.8323
Bunker - Load/Unload All 22.8513
Command Center - Lift Off 21.7516
Command Center - Land 22.0616
Factory - Lift Off 52.2726
Factory - Land 81.7625
Lower 128.5627
Raise 22.3225
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 11.7914
Upgrade to Orbital Command 44.1127
Orbital Command - Lift Off 22.3219
Orbital Command - Land 22.6718
Bunker - Stimpack 113
Activate Mine 2016.1520
Deactivate Mine 23.5819
Emergency Thrusters 911.9225
ChannelSnipe 361
PortCity_Bridge_UnitNE10Out 361