Romanticide LE
22 Feb, 2021 5:13 pm
19 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
234 230 0 0 98% 00:31 00:08 01:24
111 91 5 2 82% 05:07 00:06 19:05
70 70 21 4 100% 00:33 00:06 02:07
51 51 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:03
19 19 9 2 100% 01:18 00:25 02:16
19 16 3 2 84% 03:51 00:34 16:07
19 13 0 0 68% 07:41 01:39 17:01
17 17 21 5 100% 00:25 00:03 00:41
12 9 131 2 75% 05:44 00:41 16:07
11 11 16 5 100% 00:36 00:14 02:31
9 9 8 1 100% 00:04 00:00 00:10
7 7 7 4 100% 02:42 01:02 05:00
3 3 0 0 100% 02:30 02:17 02:56
3 3 2 0 100% 05:03 03:32 08:04


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 13.638
BlindingCloud 19.333
Stop 147
Move 1714.610
Attack 2861.910
Spawn Changeling 617.45
Spawn Larva 3834.710
Cancel Structure Building 33.52
Mutate into Lair 52.810
Mutate into Hive 21.297
Nydus Network - Load/Unload All 12.297
Morph to Overseer 345
Spine Crawler - Uproot 458
Spine Crawler - Root 45.758
Consume 464
Lurker - Burrow 2821.297
Lurker - Unburrow 2113.297
Caustic Spray 210.54
Morph to Lurker 1012.758
Nydus Worm - Load/Unload All 911.867
Parasitic Bomb 18.54