Blackburn LE
20 Apr, 2021 12:43 pm
50 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
845 836 0 0 99% 00:17 00:00 25:03
533 515 7 1 97% 01:37 00:10 06:12
248 221 51 3 89% 04:37 00:06 35:48
159 157 235 12 99% 02:32 00:02 34:52
149 123 1 1 83% 10:44 00:07 42:28
49 34 0 0 69% 15:44 00:18 47:14
28 17 5 2 61% 13:08 01:30 33:34
21 17 49 1 81% 07:42 01:30 31:19
21 15 0 0 71% 16:49 00:47 47:14
6 1 2 1 17% 33:51 02:08 49:08
1 1 0 0 100% 01:47 01:47 01:47


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 11.676
Move 13.4323
Attack 149.1301
Spawn Larva 3511.07183
Cancel 11.0812
Mutate into Lair 11.11144
Mutate into Hive 11.0331
Mutate into Greater Spire 1125
Morph to Brood Lord 1411.8318
Zergling - Burrow 55.6523
Nydus Network - Load/Unload All 11.6447
Morph to Overseer 203.8142
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 21.6289
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 72.6724
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 11.297