Beckett Industries LE
13 May, 2021 2:13 pm
22 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
1754 1754 0 0 100% 00:02 00:00 00:03
391 362 2 1 93% 01:19 00:17 02:51
151 80 0 0 53% 09:36 00:12 22:10
138 138 6 2 100% 00:37 00:06 03:21
81 79 34 3 98% 01:47 00:27 11:39
38 38 94 3 100% 01:39 00:39 02:39
25 25 87 10 100% 03:00 00:15 06:25
25 2 0 0 8% 17:05 00:36 21:54
9 9 12 6 100% 00:38 00:27 00:56
6 3 4 2 50% 12:11 01:34 20:50
1 1 1 1 100% 00:10 00:10 00:10
1 1 0 0 100% 00:36 00:36 00:36


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Stop 21.7135
Attack 13241.07138
Spawn Changeling 11.8816
Spawn Larva 5941.6487
Mutate into Lair 11.1276
Mutate into Hive 11.0651
Mutate into Greater Spire 1111
Morph to Brood Lord 4920.754
Morph to Overseer 13.4758
Spore Crawler - Uproot 11.45