Hardwire LE
13 May, 2022 2:25 pm
43 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
212 212 442 12 100% 01:09 00:08 04:55
107 107 301 12 100% 01:25 00:06 04:41
89 69 0 0 78% 16:56 00:42 43:21
78 78 52 1 100% 00:27 00:01 00:53
74 67 472 27 91% 04:32 00:02 24:17
54 53 228 32 98% 03:01 00:04 39:07
49 49 0 0 100% 00:29 00:02 00:33
48 48 146 15 100% 02:12 00:04 07:45
19 18 0 0 95% 03:52 00:58 22:02
9 6 10 4 67% 07:51 00:07 22:42
8 8 12 3 100% 01:07 00:37 01:34
4 4 100 48 100% 02:48 00:22 04:51
1 1 0 0 100% 01:04 01:04 01:04


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 123.6629
Personal Cloacking 2312.52
Nuclear Strike 661
Stop 86.2339
Move 23.2917
Attack 821223.5946
Ghost - Hold Fire 241
Spray 241
MULE - Gather/Return Cargo 111
Calldown: MULE 2411.5345
Marauder - Stimpack 84.0617
Gather/Return Cargo 173.9539
Cancel Structure Building 42.2935
Cancel Production 11.3611
Stimpack 8723.9542
Siege 59.5929
Medivac - Load/Unload All 4113.0633
Scanner Sweep 728.6939
Command Center - Lift Off 162.8919
Command Center - Land 223.1119
Barracks - Lift Off 11.3225
Factory - Lift Off 11.1735
Factory - Land 11.2331
Lower 87.6746
Raise 62.5424
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 173.0423
Upgrade to Orbital Command 53.5446
Orbital Command - Lift Off 42.121
Orbital Command - Land 21.9520
Activate Mine 351327
Deactivate Mine 103.6520
Emergency Thrusters 369.6936
Defender Mode 5611.8513
Fighter Mode 3610.210
KD8 Charge 22.5139
ChannelSnipe 1703401
PortCity_Bridge_UnitNE10Out 1703401