Coda LE
Heart of the Swarm AutoMM_AI
18 May, 2015 9:45 pm
13 Min Game

Replay Information

Format Expansion Type Date Length Winning Version
1v1 Heart of the Swarm AutoMM_AI 18 May, 2015 9:45 pm 13:28


Replay Player Resource Statistics

PlayerTeamWorkersResource CollectionAvg Unspent ResourcesSpending QuotientWorkers KilledResources Lost MineralsResources Lost Vespene
1 63 1,368 406 Excellent (95) 28 100 0
A.I. 1 (Very Easy)
2 34 655 2,069 Very Poor (4) 0 2,800 150

Replay Player Unit Statistics

PlayerTeamMMRUnits ProducedUnits KilledStructures KilledSupply BlockedAPMSPM
1 0 113 46 3 02:20 229
A.I. 1 (Very Easy)
2 0 51 1 1 00:30 0

Replay Player Hero Unit

No Hero Unit

No Hero Unit