Canyon of Tribulation
10 Mar, 2019 1:43 am
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Scried 00:04 pegging is single and ready to mingle any takers?
PinkFloyd 00:10 sure
Pegging 00:12 please
Pegging 00:13 thank u
Pegging 00:17 pick me up in limo?
CombustionQC 00:18 tabarnak yon envoyer la squad elite
Pegging 00:31 ???????????
Pharaon 00:32 jva 4 gate
Pharaon 00:34 on les rush
Pharaon 00:36 jles aime pas
Pharaon 00:37 y mstress
PinkFloyd 00:38 limo?
Pharaon 00:40 dhab c moi k ichatte
CombustionQC 00:43 jtoute stressé
Pegging 00:45 for prom you dum dum
CombustionQC 00:47 LOL
PinkFloyd 00:49 get off ur high horses
Pegging 00:55 how do you like your pubic hair?
Pharaon 00:56 STOPPPP!!!
PinkFloyd 01:01 u get ubeer and mcdonalds
Pharaon 01:06 im 8
Pegging 01:06 wendy's and it's a deal
CombustionQC 01:07 2z
PinkFloyd 01:11 aye
Pharaon 01:13 mom is gonna disconnect if u continue
Pharaon 01:21 2 zerg
Pharaon 01:22 omgg
PinkFloyd 01:24 xD
Pegging 01:26 she watch up lay?
PinkFloyd 01:29 sont maste rne plus
Pharaon 01:30 jwall?
Pegging 01:35 *play
Pharaon 01:47 g peur
PinkFloyd 01:55 XD LOL
Pegging 02:00 8:::: ~ ~ )`
PinkFloyd 02:00 atk
CombustionQC 02:21 sauve tes hsits
Pharaon 02:37 dam sam
Pharaon 02:39 comment sa
CombustionQC 02:48 vien a moi
Pharaon 03:05 sont tro laid xd
CombustionQC 03:48 reap you got this
Pharaon 04:03 shit ton income sam
Pharaon 04:09 tetais pas pret pour les drones xd
Pharaon 04:34 dang y niaise pas
Pharaon 04:46 nj comb
PinkFloyd 04:54 dts
Pharaon 05:33 scan sam
CombustionQC 05:41 ish
CombustionQC 05:44 ca va etre chaud
CombustionQC 05:51 enfaite c chaud
PinkFloyd 07:16 jtellement dans marde xD
CombustionQC 07:34 spo mal dead soh
Pharaon 07:39 ouan xd
PinkFloyd 07:40 xd ye
Pharaon 07:43 mais y na un
Pharaon 07:47 ki a pu de drone des ldebut
Pharaon 07:52 mais jpense live yen a tser.. xdd
CombustionQC 07:57 LOL
CombustionQC 08:03 jpense c sam qui a pu de drone
PinkFloyd 08:06 xd ye
Pharaon 08:12 ouin pauvre sam
PinkFloyd 08:16 àgg