Scythe of Amon
LOTV AutoMM_coop
21 May, 2019 9:33 pm
12 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Sehnsucht 00:14 it's german for "desire"
Sehnsucht 00:18 rammstein-inspired
Sehnsucht 00:49 I haven't tryharded this map in a while
Sehnsucht 00:53 gonna see how fast we can do it
Sehnsucht 01:17 attack left first btw
Sehnsucht 01:20 so we get expos up faster
Sehnsucht 01:58 same guy who made lift "L" I bet
Sehnsucht 03:17 LOL
Sehnsucht 05:56 F
Sehnsucht 06:54 hahaha
Sehnsucht 07:13 btw if you wanna ez micro out of blinding clouds
Sehnsucht 07:17 just patrol in whatever direction
Sehnsucht 10:49 okay
Sehnsucht 10:51 kill next wave
Sehnsucht 10:53 then group on my units
Sehnsucht 11:56 group
Sehnsucht 12:33 gg
Jason 12:36 gg