Turbo Cruise '84 LE
31 May, 2019 12:48 am
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
JimRising 00:14 hello
PureLegacy 00:19 hi
JimRising 00:23 paco
JimRising 00:25 is trying
JimRising 00:29 to say hello
JimRising 00:30 to you
JimRising 00:34 why u angry with him ?=
PureLegacy 00:35 hes so bad
JimRising 00:43 jkasjhasjhajh
JimRising 00:46 well
PureLegacy 00:46 so tilting to lose
PureLegacy 00:48 to somebody so bad
JimRising 00:59 well
JimRising 01:02 he is touching 6k
JimRising 01:04 i mean
JimRising 01:06 he is protoss
PureLegacy 01:06 he plays protoss
JimRising 01:10 but i dont think he is that bad
JimRising 01:24 well idk
JimRising 01:25 im pretty sure
JimRising 01:27 toss's nerf
JimRising 01:28 is coming
PureLegacy 01:33 hope so
PureLegacy 01:35 he has 0 gamesense
PureLegacy 01:41 puts 5 phoenix on the map vs a cloak banshee
JimRising 01:44 hahahah
PureLegacy 01:45 and randomly finds it
PureLegacy 01:47 twice
JimRising 01:50 hahha
PureLegacy 01:59 when if i went another angle
PureLegacy 02:00 he instaloses
JimRising 02:22 haha
JimRising 02:25 i lost to paco
JimRising 02:26 3 days ago
JimRising 02:26 2 times
JimRising 02:32 great units
PureLegacy 02:37 i beat him like 80% but
PureLegacy 02:39 its still tilting
PureLegacy 07:48 ]\gg