Kairos Junction LE
09 Jul, 2019 12:59 am
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
slothra 00:06 You queue so quickly
slothra 00:10 after you lose
slothra 00:16 when you win
slothra 00:20 you take 30 minutes
JimRising 00:25 you talk too much when u win
JimRising 00:28 u dont talk when u lose
slothra 00:32 what?
JimRising 00:34
slothra 00:41 i tell my stream
slothra 00:48 that you are probably
slothra 00:50 celebrating
slothra 00:53 thats why it takes so long
JimRising 00:55 i wasnt
JimRising 00:56 but w/e
slothra 01:04 you kill all my buildings!
slothra 01:07 seems like celebration!
JimRising 01:08 dude
JimRising 01:14 i kill the buildings
JimRising 01:16 because
JimRising 01:18 only
JimRising 01:19 DEAD
slothra 01:22 ?
JimRising 01:23 i can kill pĀ“rotoss builds
JimRising 01:37 i can never kill toss things
JimRising 01:41 until he player leave
slothra 01:47 so celebration?
JimRising 01:50 ??
JimRising 01:55 i mean
JimRising 01:57 there is no chance
JimRising 01:59 to kill anythjing
JimRising 02:01 if he has storms
JimRising 02:03 so i enjoy it
slothra 02:09 jaime
slothra 02:21 never change
JimRising 02:25 ;)(
JimRising 02:27 ;)
JimRising 02:36 Watch me on pylon show this wednesday
JimRising 02:38 talking about balance
slothra 02:41 i will be there also
JimRising 02:42 U SHOULD COME !
slothra 02:42 ^^
slothra 02:54 i got invited as well
slothra 02:59 sweet cheeks
JimRising 03:00 this will be great
slothra 14:07 at least you never have to wonder what its like
slothra 14:08 to lose a game
slothra 14:12 because oyur unit is over weight
slothra 14:14 gg