Micro Tournament 1.26
Heart of the Swarm Private
28 May, 2019 10:55 am
35 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Aggression 00:25 random gogo
Aelith 00:33 zerg
Fjant 00:34 but i suck
BloodyNine 00:35 random!
Nitix 00:35 rnadom gogo
Aelith 00:35 disgusting
Aggression 01:29 broken
Aelith 01:32 yes
Aelith 01:35 xD
Raphtor 01:43 wait i got amoved
Fjant 03:00 the big battle
BloodyNine 03:09 ez for tos
BloodyNine 04:09 just he forgot about blink
Raphtor 04:11 lol he had blink
Rime 04:16
Aelith 04:18 F
Raphtor 04:25 big f
Aggression 04:48 wait what
Aggression 04:53 I amoved with zerg and I lost
Plaisi 04:58 you've surprised me
Aggression 04:58 that doesn't seem right
Plaisi 05:03 i just hitted stim
Fjant 05:40 nitix, how am i supposed to win that?
Nitix 05:54 wat
Aggression 06:59 protoss xd
Rime 07:26 XD
BloodyNine 07:44 tos win
Plaisi 08:19 miss that fungal
Aggression 08:28 zerg micro too good
Aggression 09:29 xd
Aelith 09:32 lmao
BloodyNine 09:35 xD
Fjant 10:13 do u have charge?
Aggression 10:25 does he need it
Raphtor 10:25 i donth think so
Fjant 10:29 ok
Fjant 11:24 -kill
Rime 11:29 d;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Aggression 13:01 oh poggers
BloodyNine 13:01 that was shame
Aelith 13:08 SHAME ON YOU
BloodyNine 13:43 xD
Plaisi 14:41 ?
Aggression 14:43 hmmstiny
Aggression 14:48 wtf
Aggression 14:49
Aelith 14:52 i can't control my units anymore
Aelith 14:54 what
Aelith 15:09 this is rigged
Aggression 15:29 every tvz one is super rigged
Aelith 15:34 yeah
Aelith 15:43 but at least you can control your units AHHHHHHH
Plaisi 16:47 ?
Plaisi 16:52 what
Aelith 16:56 idk
BloodyNine 17:01 ...
Aggression 17:23 hmm
BloodyNine 17:32 nice
Aggression 17:33 usually I think the goal is to get guardian shield and then you win
BloodyNine 17:55 time?
Rime 18:24
BloodyNine 18:26 xD
Fjant 18:34 i am done with this shit
BloodyNine 18:45 ez for reapers
Fjant 19:09 well one doesnt deserv to be in the finals smh
BloodyNine 19:30 lol
Aggression 19:36 queen power
BloodyNine 19:39 he had 3 reapers
BloodyNine 19:48 just needed to wait for heal
Aelith 19:49 I am bad though
Aggression 20:54 you made the mistake of microing
Aggression 20:57 when you should have amoved
Aggression 21:00 uthermalVince
BloodyNine 21:00 +
Nitix 21:03 lmao
Nitix 21:08 i cant stop
Nitix 21:10 wont stop
Aelith 21:35 xD
Fjant 21:41 ??????????
Aelith 21:49 that control timer
Aggression 22:00 this banshee one is super hard
Aggression 22:05 even if you hold position properly
Fjant 22:09 '
Aggression 22:40 rigged
Raphtor 22:41 what happened there aggression
Raphtor 22:47 i thought zerg is easy
Nitix 22:49 what happened there aggression
Nitix 22:52 LUL
Aggression 22:53 not against zerg
BloodyNine 23:52 -kill
Fjant 25:25 this is ridicoles
Rime 25:26 too good heal
Rime 25:30 (thinking)
BloodyNine 25:48 lest win
BloodyNine 25:51 left
Aggression 26:08 nice micro nitix
BloodyNine 26:08 2 unbalanced
Aelith 26:12 tvt
Aggression 26:13 at least 4.5k mmr with terran
Aelith 26:14 heh
Raphtor 26:22 atleast
Rime 27:53 lol
BloodyNine 28:10 zerg win
Aggression 28:19 It's good to see nitix learn what it's like to play terran
Aggression 28:22 uthermalVince
Aggression 28:33 Kappa
Aggression 28:37 KappaHD
Raphtor 29:30 LOL
BloodyNine 29:34 xD
Raphtor 29:36 terrn main
Aggression 30:11 that's why I play mek) vs you jannis
Aggression 30:14 then I don't have to micro
Aggression 30:19 (mustache)
BloodyNine 30:35 i am super bad toss xD
Rime 30:43 (mustache)
BloodyNine 31:36 nice
Aggression 31:39 b a l a n c e
BloodyNine 33:09 i win
BloodyNine 34:02 =(
Aggression 34:02 okay I guess the key is not killing the stalkers
Aggression 34:04 :thinking:
Aelith 34:07 =)
BloodyNine 34:39 gg
Aelith 34:46 gg
Plaisi 34:48 rephtor not last
Plaisi 34:49 gg
Aggression 34:58 gg
Aggression 35:05 aelith too strong