Kairos Junction LE
10 Aug, 2019 11:44 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Gumbi 00:09 glgl
Countess 00:11 lol
Countess 00:12 oj
Countess 00:13 ok
Countess 00:14 whatever
Gumbi 00:33 you seem nonchalant
Gumbi 00:48 are you?w
Countess 00:52 just fed up of losing every PvT and PvZ
Countess 01:02 then seeing Z and T moan about "protoss op"
Gumbi 01:11 i used to main toss
Gumbi 01:15 i know yor pain
Countess 01:20 good choice to switch
Countess 01:23 i hate this race
Gumbi 02:04 guives me perspectivwe
Countess 02:13 as your cheesing me
Countess 10:58 gg