Acropolis LE
19 Aug, 2019 8:42 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Guitarcheese 00:03 omg..
kiwian 00:10 lucky boi
Guitarcheese 00:15 are you gonna take the points back
kiwian 00:17 how to play zerg
kiwian 00:18 tell me
kiwian 00:24 zvz
Guitarcheese 00:25 u see wcs vs world
Guitarcheese 00:27 just bl infestor
kiwian 00:28 nono
Guitarcheese 00:31
kiwian 00:34 standard
kiwian 00:36 b.o
kiwian 00:37 tell me
Guitarcheese 00:44 17 hatch 18 gas 17 pool
Guitarcheese 00:46 but im 13 pooling
Guitarcheese 00:51 so u have to defend that
kiwian 00:57 okay
Guitarcheese 01:10 then after pool. queen queen 6 ling
Guitarcheese 01:16 speed 3rd base on 31 supply
Guitarcheese 01:20 bane nest if u want
kiwian 01:23 okay
Guitarcheese 03:14 good defense~!
kiwian 03:34 my zeerg is good?
Guitarcheese 03:41 i think u could beat dark
kiwian 03:46 ezpz
Guitarcheese 04:08 have u microed ling bling before
Guitarcheese 05:05 sry they need to go home
kiwian 10:45 gg