Sunset Valley LE
06 Oct, 2019 11:59 am
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
xliqhtbeatz 00:09 air
Gorky 00:09 twoja mama lubi jak jie sie spusazjaja na twarz!!!
Snowden 00:13 hf
Damien 00:18 edward kills u all
Taikalisko 00:21 glhf
Snowden 00:23 i have like 5 fps
Gorky 00:27
xliqhtbeatz 00:27 I am Noob gg
Damien 01:28 haha
Gorky 01:40 haha
xliqhtbeatz 01:51 xF
Damien 02:13 hf
xliqhtbeatz 02:37 run faster bitch
Damien 02:41 sniper i luv U
Damien 03:18 no support ???
Gorky 03:31 soon brother
Gorky 03:44 we are way ahead now economically
Snowden 05:42 well, alttab+5fps got me 1 marine
Snowden 06:33 i make bcs, i shared control cuz i cant micro
Gorky 06:37 sweet
Damien 07:34 u can have it
Gorky 07:38 who
Gorky 07:49 who can have it xD
Damien 07:53 i
Gorky 07:54 i feel asahmed
Gorky 07:57 i cant take more
Snowden 09:00 any of u guys interested in playing clan wars?
Gorky 09:07 what is that
Snowden 09:08 i join alpha league again 1st div
Snowden 09:15 1v1
Gorky 09:27 not tonight
Gorky 09:29 im going away soon
Snowden 09:31 ofc not today
Gorky 09:37 maybe =)
Gorky 09:40 im noob at 1n1 tho
Gorky 12:32 ty
Snowden 14:44 just being retarded
VHA 14:51 had fun >D
Snowden 15:01 i had 5 fps