Ephemeron LE
07 Dec, 2019 4:27 pm
16 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
llllllllllll 13:27 balanced
llllllllllll 13:28 xd
llllllllllll 15:08 shift click unit around
llllllllllll 15:14 micro ?
llllllllllll 15:15 naaa
llllllllllll 15:17 me z
llllllllllll 15:18 can't
llllllllllll 15:27 just build free units
llllllllllll 15:29 that run around
llllllllllll 15:40 get aidss
llllllllllll 15:41 retard
llllllllllll 15:51 outplayed from a to z
llllllllllll 15:54 then shiftclick
llllllllllll 16:01 cus 6000 ms high dps low price is fair
llllllllllll 16:37 get aids
llllllllllll 16:38 fils de pu te va
llllllllllll 16:41 sac a merde de zerbg