Micro Craft (Set 01)
LOTV Private
06 Mar, 2020 8:36 am
51 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Primal 00:15 rofl
Eclipse 00:16 ok after the veto phase every player will pick 2 starting units
Eclipse 00:36 not all suggested units are actually good
Eclipse 00:45 even though it says GOOD STARTING UNIT
Eclipse 00:53 but pick something like a marine, zealot
Eclipse 01:01 if there is no good unit
Random 01:04 mules are imba guys
Random 01:09 dont listen to him
Eclipse 01:10 click REDRRAW (-1 CARD)
Random 01:15 he doesnt know meta
Primal 01:56 should i spend my gold?
Eclipse 01:57 if you lose the first round it's not too bad
Eclipse 01:59 yes!
Eclipse 02:05 spent it on income for example
Eclipse 02:08 very right purchase
Random 02:14 also how far can you go on new ranking system?
Eclipse 02:16 or the middle purchase option
Eclipse 02:22 GM 2500
Eclipse 02:47 So now I place defender and attacker locations
Eclipse 02:54 You will place next round
Eclipse 03:07 You are attacker now
Primal 03:08 Damn
Primal 03:12 cant afford anything lol
Eclipse 03:21 what did you spent your gold on?
Random 03:25 did i kill your unit?
Raiden 03:34 ye
Raiden 03:51 but urs died
Raiden 03:52 too
Random 03:54 yeah
Eclipse 03:56 wow
Eclipse 03:57 wp
Eclipse 04:03 you were lying!
Primal 04:07 well
Raiden 04:12 It died
Primal 04:13 i though i should have more i guess xD
Raiden 04:15 I had 2
Eclipse 04:25 place them further
Eclipse 04:26 quick
Eclipse 04:29 timer runs out
Raiden 04:52 I salvage my unit
Raiden 04:55 by answering
Raiden 04:56 xD
Raiden 05:02 can u increase a bit the time
Raiden 05:05 to answer
Raiden 05:07 ? :/
Eclipse 05:13 hmm
Eclipse 05:30 I feel like salvage
Eclipse 05:40 would take too long then
Raiden 05:57 mostly people will answer
Raiden 06:01 no big deal
Primal 06:18 i dont understand what +1 card does
Raiden 06:18 I'm already in bad shape now
Eclipse 06:28 it will increase number of cards you draw each turn
Raiden 06:34 when you start the round u can choose one more card
Eclipse 06:36 rn you always draw 2 cards from your deck
Primal 06:43 ah
Eclipse 06:47 if you have more income you have to draw more cards to spend that minerals
Random 07:04 thx game
Raiden 07:09 place location not too close
Random 07:12 giving me only this boomer
Raiden 08:19 fuck
Raiden 09:33 well
Raiden 09:38 this guys is good
Primal 09:39 i dont get the whole salvage part either
Eclipse 09:50 you rather keep your units
Random 09:54 keeping is better
Eclipse 09:57 there are only rare situations to salvage
Primal 09:57 but it auto salvages?
Random 10:03 yes
Eclipse 10:06 if you don't pick an option it will
Eclipse 10:11 actually I should change that
Primal 10:13 its like 2 secodns tho
Raiden 10:16 yes change
Eclipse 10:16 and make it auto keep
Raiden 10:17 wtf
Raiden 10:26 auto salvage doesn't make sense
Primal 10:28 oh jesus
Primal 10:33 i didnt spend any money now
Eclipse 11:27 fuck
Raiden 11:27 lol
Eclipse 11:30 they kill them
Eclipse 11:39 II thought they would survive 1 hit
Random 11:40 that was intense
Primal 11:41 how much time do u have
Primal 11:42 to kill?
Random 11:47 idk
Eclipse 11:54 35 seconds, but the timer pauses when combat is happening
Eclipse 12:00 or flag is captured
Eclipse 13:06 idk if you already figured out, but you can add more units of same type with + and -
Primal 13:16 yea i just forgot before time ran out
Random 13:17 fuck
Random 13:23 i forgot to add more units
Random 13:30 guess ill die
Random 14:14 behold!!
Random 14:18 my 3 observers
Primal 14:35 shit
Primal 14:41 can i undo a unit?
Eclipse 14:44 nope
Primal 14:50 rip
Eclipse 15:01 they can fly btw
Raiden 15:21 why can't we accumulate mineral
Raiden 15:25 between rounds?
Eclipse 15:29 bit op
Raiden 15:38 I would like to bank mins too
Eclipse 16:09 the same reason why actual cards games don't do that
Eclipse 16:29 you could save cards and play op cards
Raiden 16:37 but how can we get the 125
Raiden 16:42 I've never seen it
Eclipse 16:53 that's true
Raiden 17:02 ??
Eclipse 17:02 I might have to make a better economy system
Raiden 17:09 lol that's your answer
Eclipse 17:16 yes
Eclipse 17:19 xD
Eclipse 17:59 how about a system where you get interest instead?
Eclipse 18:04 like 10% of your total gold
Raiden 18:32 fuck
Raiden 18:34 really
Primal 18:56 do i have infinite observers?
Eclipse 19:00 no
Eclipse 19:00 3
Eclipse 19:02 or 2?
Raiden 19:03 if u salvage no
Raiden 19:21 I just don't play vs u
Raiden 19:25 you're too ahead
Eclipse 20:49 score points are just based on how many and valuable units suvrive when you win
Eclipse 20:58 the ELO rating is based on ELO rating
Eclipse 21:10 they don't have to do anything with each other
Random 21:16 ah yes floor is made out of floor
Eclipse 21:22 ^^
Random 21:45 raiden
Random 21:51 are you still here?
Raiden 21:54 why would I play if I can't win
Raiden 21:57 yes just skip
Raiden 22:02 I keep my money
Eclipse 22:35 maybe buy a new card box and find a good unit
Primal 22:43 Me?
Eclipse 22:46 no raiden
Raiden 22:52 yes I do
Raiden 23:01 but I needed more income
Eclipse 23:09 how much income do you have?
Random 23:13 50
Raiden 23:15 50
Eclipse 23:17 39
Random 23:20 oof
Eclipse 23:22 44 now
Primal 23:23 holy shit
Primal 23:28 35 now
Raiden 24:38 wtf
Raiden 24:44 almost lose
Raiden 24:51 against marine
Raiden 24:54 xD
Primal 26:30 if im out of obs
Eclipse 26:34 rip
Primal 26:35 can i only get one from card box?
Eclipse 26:37 yes
Primal 26:40 damn
Eclipse 27:15 shit
Primal 27:15 well i guess im screwed then
Eclipse 27:19 I think I did a mistake
Eclipse 27:33 your defender beacon does detect in the small radius
Eclipse 28:12 oh
Eclipse 28:15 i had no units too
Eclipse 28:16 lol
Eclipse 28:20 lucky me
Primal 29:34 jesus
Eclipse 29:49 aah that's what you need the detector for
Eclipse 30:01 there are a few units like oracles
Eclipse 30:04 that can detect too
Eclipse 30:05 or raven
Eclipse 30:12 maybe you find one
Raiden 30:15 raven is imba
Raiden 30:18 u can salvage
Raiden 30:22 everything he makes
Raiden 30:25 that's auto win
Eclipse 30:28 that counts for every unit
Raiden 30:28 if u buy it
Raiden 30:30 btw
Eclipse 30:33 I know
Eclipse 30:37 that's intended :P
Raiden 30:42 u can make infinit money
Raiden 30:49 stupid
Eclipse 30:57 no it's not
Eclipse 31:00 it's fun
Eclipse 31:04 maybe a little stupid
Eclipse 31:06 but more fun
Raiden 31:21 wtf
Raiden 31:27 is that
Raiden 31:29 omg
Eclipse 31:32 Dark Archon
Random 31:45 why it takes so long to fire
Random 31:46 wtf
Raiden 32:16 no way
Raiden 32:17 man
Raiden 32:19 srsl
Raiden 32:32 u can steal my units
Primal 32:32 wow
Raiden 32:33 wtf
Eclipse 32:34 better get some cheap units
Raiden 32:45 makes no sense
Raiden 32:46 really
Raiden 32:47 dude
Raiden 32:58 your mod is cool but u added too much op units
Eclipse 33:10 those are default SC2 ones
Eclipse 33:19 from campaign tho
Raiden 33:20 lol
Raiden 33:26 dark archon that can control units
Raiden 33:28 great
Raiden 33:31 forever even
Raiden 33:33 auto cast
Raiden 33:36 well played
Eclipse 33:40 only can cast 1 time
Eclipse 33:43 furing each match
Random 33:50 lol
Random 34:05 there is a unit what can copy your units
Random 34:13 and it costs ~13
Eclipse 34:17 I made it legendary tho
Primal 34:32 wtf
Primal 34:35 thats not a phoenix
Random 34:43 damn this phoenix are good
Eclipse 34:47 unitid?
Primal 34:49 you need to rename phoenix
Random 34:52 i think its from lotv campaign
Primal 35:00 it has pickup and can attack at the same time
Raiden 35:04 really
Eclipse 35:06 if a unit is op you can select it and type unitid in chat
Raiden 35:07 ........
Eclipse 35:17 that tell me that unitid
Random 35:24 wait a minute
Random 35:28 im going to tell
Random 35:33 unitid
Raiden 35:50 fuck
Raiden 35:52 really
Raiden 35:54 fuck that
Eclipse 36:09 stronger units are usually stronger
Primal 36:10 okay
Primal 36:15 so when u buy a card box
Primal 36:19 and then the other guys rounds end
Primal 36:22 it gives me all new cards
Primal 36:24 ...
Eclipse 36:26 ye I know that bug already
Primal 36:30 okay
Eclipse 36:33 gonna fix that next update
Eclipse 36:51 so higher tier units are SLIGHTLY cheaper than
Eclipse 37:00 compared to lower tier units
Eclipse 37:05 a few minerals
Eclipse 37:09 so they are actually better
Raiden 37:19 but is there a unit that can kill that archon?
Eclipse 37:28 for example a lot of cheap units
Raiden 37:28 why u just don't delete them?
Eclipse 37:32 than it becomes pretty useless
Primal 37:33 wtf
Eclipse 37:37 or something with feedback
Random 38:19 i cant pick up it wtf
Eclipse 38:28 it's massive
Eclipse 38:38 you cannot pick up default ones too i think=?
Raiden 38:49 so unfair
Primal 38:53 hello?
Raiden 38:53 u can't
Raiden 38:56 cheh
Primal 39:00 why cant i take the bacon
Primal 39:01 wtf
Eclipse 39:06 ground > air
Raiden 39:09 cheh for one time
Eclipse 39:09 when capruting
Primal 39:13 i was ground
Raiden 39:15 I get the advantage
Raiden 39:16 lol
Primal 39:17 vs nothing
Raiden 39:25 dt sucks
Raiden 39:28 just don't use it
Raiden 39:29 :p
Eclipse 39:45 unitid
Eclipse 40:06 is that phoenix actually op=
Eclipse 40:07 ?
Raiden 40:14 I'm sure I will use my 82 unit
Eclipse 40:14 for it's price?
Raiden 40:17 and it will be shit
Raiden 40:22 like die on one marine
Raiden 40:25 I will laugh
Eclipse 40:44 if it sucks tell me too
Eclipse 40:52 I can buff units too ^^
Random 41:20 hey eclipse
Random 41:26 i got a meme ship
Eclipse 41:56 comeon give me that brutalisk
Raiden 41:58 end
Raiden 42:07 oh no
Raiden 42:09 not yet
Primal 42:19 Enthralled hydralisk
Primal 42:20 suck
Eclipse 42:26 ok
Random 42:31 hydras in general suck
Primal 42:31 it has a timer
Primal 42:37 and then it dies i guess?
Eclipse 42:37 ah yes
Eclipse 42:38 true
Random 42:38 buff hydras a bit
Eclipse 42:46 I will increase time and reduce cost
Raiden 43:23 eclipse skip one round
Eclipse 43:25 would you like a melee only version of this?
Raiden 43:27 I want to see the unit
Raiden 43:38 can u put 0 unit
Raiden 43:40 next round
Raiden 43:41 ?
Eclipse 43:49 maybe we don't play each other
Raiden 43:55 but u will win
Raiden 43:56 the game
Eclipse 43:59 oooh
Raiden 44:01 if u play something
Eclipse 44:02 true
Eclipse 44:04 lol
Eclipse 44:11 I have to fix the score system sucks
Raiden 44:12 so plz skip one round
Eclipse 44:17 ok
Raiden 44:27 well if I play u it sucks
Eclipse 44:34 I think I will make everything elo based?
Random 44:34 time for a full meme boys
Raiden 45:04 full meme
Raiden 45:07 I will see
Primal 45:21 ?
Eclipse 45:30 if I win it's over
Raiden 45:41 lol
Random 45:44 damn
Eclipse 45:47 Raiden want's to play his op unit
Raiden 45:53 I did
Raiden 45:56 was good
Eclipse 46:07 so I don't need to buff it?
Eclipse 46:11 unitid
Raiden 46:47 ha
Raiden 46:51 xD
Raiden 47:00 I need more pylone
Raiden 47:05 to go out
Raiden 47:08 of the ground
Raiden 47:09 xD
Raiden 47:11 so fun
Eclipse 47:11 oh
Eclipse 47:12 what?
Primal 47:17 lol
Raiden 47:23 I tried burrow
Raiden 47:25 was a mistake
Raiden 47:27 really
Raiden 47:35 this mod has so many bugs
Eclipse 47:36 that's a bug probably
Raiden 47:42 u should remove some units
Raiden 47:44 really
Eclipse 47:51 like Dark Archon?
Raiden 47:59 and the brutalis
Eclipse 48:03 why?
Raiden 48:06 and jim reynor
Raiden 48:08 that never dies
Eclipse 48:13 haha
Primal 48:17 if they are op u can increase their cost
Raiden 48:19 u can camp the defending point
Raiden 48:23 and u can never lose
Eclipse 48:25 ye
Raiden 48:28 with jim reynor
Eclipse 48:33 thats how I usually balance units
Eclipse 48:38 either increase or decrease cost
Eclipse 48:48 now I wanna play with that brutalisk too
Raiden 48:51 HE S BURROWED
Raiden 49:04 fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Raiden 49:13 now he remains burrrowed
Raiden 49:17 can't believe
Raiden 49:36 I hate
Raiden 49:42 this arcade
Raiden 49:43 it
Raiden 49:51 look
Raiden 49:57 I can spend 82 for a unit
Raiden 49:58 t
Raiden 50:01 that is burrowed
Raiden 50:05 and can't unburrow
Raiden 50:07 xD
Eclipse 50:07 it's a bug!!!
Eclipse 50:12 I fix that
Eclipse 50:15 easy fix
Raiden 50:26 cost 8 supply
Raiden 50:31 I get 8
Raiden 50:42 maybe pylone
Raiden 50:44 only
Eclipse 50:54 gg