Augustine Fall LE
01 Jul, 2020 7:33 pm
28 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
TRUMPNATION 00:28 steve likes b eating up on nubs
KANE 00:45 is it still trumpnation after hes lost the presidency
SiloCleaner 00:50 (generally speaking), he's not calling you guys newbs
cosecant 00:57 he wont lose
TRUMPNATION 01:00 lmao i heard the same people saying the same thing 5 years ago
KANE 01:28 ya but everyone knows hes a peice of shit now they used to just think he was
TRUMPNATION 01:30 and now Our Don is living in 1600 Penn Ave
TRUMPNATION 01:42 President of the United States
TRUMPNATION 01:47 calling the shots
TRUMPNATION 01:53 makin the money moves
TRUMPNATION 02:28 cute youre putting your faith in uncle joe though
cosecant 02:49 he is canadian stfu
TRUMPNATION 03:09 ah, justin from canada
TRUMPNATION 03:12 castros boy
KANE 04:03 just because he weirds a indian tuxedo when hes in india dont make him so bad
TRUMPNATION 21:36 ummm gtfo plz
TRUMPNATION 24:53 rage quit now p;z
AbsoluteZero 27:54 gg
SiloCleaner 28:04 gET OUT OF HERE