Equilibrium LE
27 Nov, 2023 3:11 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Larvae 00:00 glgl
Barbarossa 00:06 glhf
Larvae 01:12 pp please
Larvae 02:04 back
Larvae 06:05 just to be clear you suck at this game and thats why you unpaused and are stuck in plat
Larvae 06:11 you are infact a pussy
Barbarossa 06:22 naw im in plat because im 1 and 9 to terren
Larvae 06:30 youre in plat because you're bad bro
Barbarossa 06:34 i beat you
Larvae 06:41 i was afk until 1k minerals because you unpaused?
Larvae 06:43 you're trash
Barbarossa 06:58 well if you afk in min one for more then one min
Barbarossa 07:01 feels like a troll
Larvae 07:03 I main zerg d3 / d2 and you are not good, was pretty weak what you hit me with
Barbarossa 07:13 well yeah im plat
Barbarossa 07:18 not good
Larvae 07:25 na that's not why you're not good
Barbarossa 07:35 why then?
Larvae 07:40 you're not good because you dont play for a good match you're looking for artificial mmr
Larvae 07:44 you are not a sportsman
Barbarossa 07:44 naw
Larvae 07:45 just scum
Barbarossa 07:50 your friggen random
Barbarossa 07:52 lol
Larvae 07:55 whats wrong with that
Barbarossa 08:04 i 13 pool randoms
Larvae 08:14 you should 12 pool
Larvae 08:14 btw
Barbarossa 08:21 is it better?
Larvae 08:23 yes
Barbarossa 08:36 use extract tric?
Larvae 08:36 also zvz you'll have 80% winrate if you go 16 pool followed by gas
Larvae 08:38 17 hatch
Larvae 08:48 stop at 16 drones put 3 on gas until 100 for speed upgrade
Larvae 08:51 then back to mineral
Barbarossa 08:53 i have a 80% win rate v zerg
Larvae 09:00 only make 2 queens and spam ling attack at about 80% upgrade
Barbarossa 09:03 also toss is like 70-
Barbarossa 09:07 terren im 1 and 9
Larvae 09:14 always 12 pool toss if they f uck up the wall on the natural
Larvae 09:18 you should be able to gg it
Larvae 10:10 ggs i guess