Equilibrium LE
03 Dec, 2023 11:38 pm
07 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
gamer 00:00 glhf
gamer 00:00 p
Hävøç 00:00 glhf
Hävøç 01:23 smurf
Hävøç 01:24 ing
Hävøç 01:25 fuck
gamer 01:44 ?
Hävøç 01:47 fuck fof
Hävøç 01:48 off
Hävøç 01:49 smurf
gamer 01:50 has no one done that t o u?
gamer 01:54 relax...
Hävøç 02:01 naw you're smurfing is the point
Hävøç 02:04 not what you're doing
gamer 02:07 whatsy
gamer 02:08 what
Hävøç 07:55 smurf