Jungle Depths LE
19 Dec, 2023 7:18 am
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Ins 00:00 glhf
Miro 00:00 hf pw
Mindful 00:02 glglreal miro ?
TheSkunk 00:02 gl hf
TheSkunk 00:10 yes he's real
Miro 00:12 ?
Miro 00:15 I exist yes
Mindful 00:25 you know gamerrichy ?
Miro 00:28 I do
Mindful 00:31 hey mate XD
Miro 00:39 hey!
Mindful 00:53 stim and win son
Miro 00:56 AYE
Miro 01:01 Stim and win!
Ins 24:04 gg
Miro 24:06 gg
Miro 24:07 gg
Mindful 24:07 gg!
Miro 24:10 gg
MiSSmicro 24:14 ggs