Efflorescence LE
09 Jan, 2024 10:27 pm
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
nonstopchaos 00:24 i will rush
nonstopchaos 00:25 0310
Cojaha 00:27 k
Cojaha 00:32 marines or repaers?
nonstopchaos 00:38 i hope no random zerg
nonstopchaos 01:03 help
Cojaha 01:31 get a bunker and tanks]
nonstopchaos 01:41 FUCK
nonstopchaos 01:47 NIGGAAA
Cojaha 01:51 bunker tank
Cojaha 02:12 just hang in for as long as you can
nonstopchaos 02:18 done niggaa
Cojaha 02:25 mate you need to learn to counter
nonstopchaos 02:33 you no team player nioggaa
Cojaha 02:48 what do you want me to do, walk throug the canons
Cojaha 02:51 defent
nonstopchaos 02:53 KILL the drione niggaa
nonstopchaos 03:03 yu SUCK niggaa
nonstopchaos 03:05 i am god
Cojaha 03:07 he came to you first
nonstopchaos 03:10 but your an ASHOLE niggaa
Cojaha 03:31 says the guy having his ass eaten out by a protoss
nonstopchaos 03:38 2 toss niggaa
nonstopchaos 03:40 DUMFICK
nonstopchaos 03:53 and you will diee fast niggaa
nonstopchaos 03:54 as you SUCK
nonstopchaos 03:57 good thing is
nonstopchaos 03:59 from now oin
nonstopchaos 04:03 any game i see oyur nigga ass
Cojaha 04:09 man shut up
nonstopchaos 04:10 i instant kill you niggaa
Cojaha 04:14 you sound like a twat
nonstopchaos 04:24 you sound like a nigga
nonstopchaos 04:25 hahahah
nonstopchaos 04:44 no anti air the nigga ...
nonstopchaos 04:48 one orcale he dead
nonstopchaos 05:08 2nd com center made ...
nonstopchaos 05:17 he makes orbital and will fly it out left
nonstopchaos 05:32 now 3 turrtes ..
nonstopchaos 05:34 the dumfuck
nonstopchaos 05:45 just ezzy mkill the nigga
nonstopchaos 05:49 i am your free visio hahah
nonstopchaos 06:03 now 2 turrets also south at his base
nonstopchaos 06:07 2 more turrets left
Cojaha 06:11 your canon rush really tilted him
nonstopchaos 06:13 he turtles likea nigga
nonstopchaos 06:21 my spanish niga - is no team player
nonstopchaos 06:28 i love to kill thise niggas any next game
nonstopchaos 06:30 hahahah
nonstopchaos 06:32 FORLF
nonstopchaos 06:51 the niggas has no brauin
nonstopchaos 06:56 if he had brain
nonstopchaos 07:04 he would go offline and KILL himself in real life
nonstopchaos 07:11 as hew would know he is a dumfuck nigga
nonstopchaos 07:25 base now right to his base in the BACK!
nonstopchaos 07:33 you see it -
nonstopchaos 07:40 BOOOM
nonstopchaos 07:42 tank gone hahah
nonstopchaos 07:54 more turretsa
nonstopchaos 07:59 mrs 10 mio turrets
nonstopchaos 08:04 ezzy kioll for you ezzzy
nonstopchaos 08:09 either carrier SWEEP
nonstopchaos 08:16 or 20 stalker + blink he DEAD the nigga
Cojaha 08:26 let me guess, child of divorce?
nonstopchaos 08:29 20 marines - 1 bunker
nonstopchaos 08:38 no - professional nigga hunter
nonstopchaos 08:42 i LOVE killing niggas
nonstopchaos 08:53 and you will notice when i ssee you asshole again nigga
nonstopchaos 09:17 RED you nigga
nonstopchaos 09:21 ypi need to engange some time ...
nonstopchaos 09:32 not like tom cruse 10 years too late
nonstopchaos 09:36 ICE needs you nigga
nonstopchaos 10:05 RED - hope you have 20 carriers ready soon you nigga
nonstopchaos 10:16 he makes 2 more com centers
nonstopchaos 10:32 and now he DEAD hahah
nonstopchaos 10:58 ROFL s... soo nbigga
nonstopchaos 11:09 let me guess
nonstopchaos 11:11 born as nigga
nonstopchaos 11:15 and gotten even dummer?
nonstopchaos 11:17 ROFL
nonstopchaos 11:21 now 2 VIKS
Cojaha 11:25 man just leave
nonstopchaos 11:27 now 2 VIKS
nonstopchaos 11:38 i LOVE you getting fucked nbiggaa
nonstopchaos 11:55 1 starport + reactor puimping VIKS now
nonstopchaos 12:00 RED -- ypu sleep well nbigga???
nonstopchaos 12:28 ROFL ...
nonstopchaos 12:32 sure fight the bait nigga
nonstopchaos 12:47 shield regenerate nigga
nonstopchaos 12:50 you sooo fukin dumm
nonstopchaos 13:21 BOOM
nonstopchaos 13:23 hahahah
Cojaha 13:35 gg sorry about the asshole