Efflorescence LE
13 Jan, 2024 11:54 pm
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Blorg 00:02 (stukov)(rainbow)
bud 00:07 gllhf
Codec 17:50 fags
Blorg 17:54 lol
Blorg 18:09 thats what your dad said last night when i was kissing him
OmTareTutare 18:16 lololol
Codec 18:17 i know u gay
Blorg 18:21 only for you
Blorg 18:27 when we going out?
Blorg 18:46 i assume youre gay going tempest. top or bottom?
Codec 18:50 carrier fag lol
Blorg 18:57 tempest projection (hearts)
OmTareTutare 19:04 people who go tempest r the gayest
Blorg 19:06 its okay to love
Blorg 19:13 i love you and youre tempests
Blorg 19:19 all of tthem
Blorg 19:38 bud, you frends with codec? you guys dating or what?
Codec 19:52 warm host fag
Codec 19:55 swarm
Codec 20:02 two gay fags we got here
Blorg 20:08 lol got em
Blorg 20:29 its too bad that not even your mother loves you. must be rough
OmTareTutare 21:07 LOL
Blorg 21:10 mother comment too far? she def hates you then
Blorg 21:12 too bad
Blorg 21:34 lol struck a nerve with tempest bby
Codec 21:45 lol
Blorg 21:49 i will love you even if your mommy doesnt
Codec 21:52 learn to not go straight carriers fag
Blorg 21:58 lol
OmTareTutare 22:00 im glad tempest have long range, keep that dirty shit away from me
Blorg 22:21 why you no win?
Blorg 22:26 just git gud
Blorg 22:32 losing to a fag. what a doublefag
Blorg 22:44 maybe even tripple
Blorg 22:54 i still love you