Snowbound Colony
15 Jan, 2024 5:54 pm
16 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
SuppliedWing 00:00 yo wtf guys
StoicHedonst 00:01 glhf
Anchuinse 00:03 glhf
StoicHedonst 00:06 wall front?
SuppliedWing 00:10 i get stuck with the tosses
Anchuinse 00:19 someone had to draw the short straw
Magno 00:26 ouch, your opinion of me hurts so much
SuppliedWing 01:40 thought u were walling front
StoicHedonst 01:49 oj built pylon inside
StoicHedonst 01:54 so i bailed
SuppliedWing 02:07 1 forge stops 3 ling floods ez
SuppliedWing 02:10 lings coming
SuppliedWing 02:22 12+ lings
SuppliedWing 06:05 just go aoe and we win tbh
StoicHedonst 11:07 inc
Anchuinse 16:06 gg
SuppliedWing 16:09 gg