Nephor I
08 Jan, 2024 5:41 am
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
luxirg 00:08 now we find out if he is better with a team
VaGabOnD 00:16 i go liberators
luxirg 00:22 gonna be early lings
luxirg 00:24 from pha
luxirg 00:27 usually is atleast
VaGabOnD 00:29 he never attacks
Seabee 00:31 im installing office
luxirg 00:32 unless this is a different pha:P
VaGabOnD 00:45 hel start
VaGabOnD 00:46 to libs
phabej 01:33 Luxring
luxirg 01:38 so it is you
phabej 01:46 hpow are you
luxirg 02:03 preparing myself for lings and banelings
Seabee 03:26 y
luxirg 03:55 hmm
luxirg 03:57 can tanks get out?:P
Seabee 04:10 lift?
luxirg 04:32 first we hope:P
phabej 04:32 u ewin muy teamm bad
luxirg 04:43 well I hope they can improve
Seabee 08:07 ?
phabej 10:22 gg i told u my team they bad
luxirg 10:26 gg
luxirg 10:31 I kinda knew, sorry
phabej 10:43 gg