Emerald City LE
16 Feb, 2024 10:03 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
TruffleButta 00:00 glhf
chombi 00:02 gl hf
chombi 00:12 plan?
chombi 00:20 gotta se what race he is
chombi 00:55 do you prefer bio or mech
chombi 01:02 bio
chombi 01:19 ill mech
chombi 01:37 truff doing something
chombi 06:03 sorry
chombi 06:03 rdy?
TruffleButta 06:03 npnp
TruffleButta 06:03 gogo
chombi 07:17 gotta hit
chombi 07:19 now?
chombi 07:33 100 MUTAS will show up soon
TruffleButta 09:37 ooof
chombi 09:37 bruh
chombi 09:37 he gone drop
TruffleButta 09:37 we can try and
TruffleButta 09:37 replay
TruffleButta 09:37 from here
chombi 09:37 play or quit?
TruffleButta 09:37 quit
TruffleButta 09:37 and we will replay
chombi 09:38 gogo?
TruffleButta 09:38 gogo
chombi 09:38 ok
chombi 10:08 wait
chombi 10:10 wait
TruffleButta 10:10 ?
chombi 10:10 lmao ok we can just go noext
chombi 10:10 next