Solaris LE
17 Feb, 2024 7:38 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Cucaracha 00:00 going to quit again
Treatment 00:19 Are you mad about it?
Cucaracha 00:28 smurfs are bitches
Treatment 00:34 Because it's just a game...
Treatment 00:46 And if I don't like a map...I leave
Treatment 00:56 Since my goal is to have fun
Treatment 01:16 When you get paid to play starcraft, then you should get mad about it
Cucaracha 04:25 being a tool is 'fun' for you
Treatment 04:51 Imagine playing an RTS and getting mad when you fight your opponent
Treatment 05:16 You might need to see a therapist of video games make you this angry
Treatment 11:23 gg amigo
Cucaracha 11:34 gg
Treatment 11:38 I can't be a smurf if you can beat me
Cucaracha 11:52 next time don't be suck a dick