Magma Mines
23 Feb, 2024 9:30 pm
12 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Scientist 02:49 oh you dead to raoaches?
Scientist 02:52 im guchi
Saladrael 03:03 am not dead, just pointing them out
Scientist 03:09 ok ok cool
Scientist 03:11 good call
Scientist 04:52 no speed
Scientist 04:55 why you even build them
Scientist 05:00 5 minutes in man
Scientist 05:26 your back gold
Scientist 06:33 max 3-3 and ez win
Scientist 06:59 what if they brood?
Scientist 07:11 fed
Scientist 07:19 oh shit the red zerg outplayed ya maybe
Scientist 07:34 luurker
Scientist 07:42 baneling ling always gonna lose to striahgt lurker
Scientist 08:21 always has, always will lose to that composition
Scientist 09:03 fed
Scientist 09:18 ive fed you thousands
Scientist 09:25 should be maxed 3-3 by now
Saladrael 09:28 they nicely in the bank, you trolling
Scientist 09:35 not trolling
Scientist 09:36 if im in your shoes
Scientist 09:37 i own
Scientist 09:44 any bronze
Scientist 09:51 a clicks it here
Scientist 09:56 you trolling
Scientist 09:58 you went ling vs lurker
Scientist 10:02 its absolutely stupidity lol
Scientist 10:05 we deserve that loss
Scientist 10:11 i fed a guy, who went ling baneling into lurker
Scientist 10:20 fed serral auto win ez all day
Scientist 10:25 feed a master ez win all day
Scientist 10:31 feed a gm easy win
Scientist 10:34 feed a diamond good idea
Scientist 10:38 feed plat bad idea
Scientist 10:42 feed a gold, terrible idea
Scientist 10:46 feed a silver bronze suicide
Scientist 11:11 you macroing
Scientist 11:14 how much you floating unmaxed
Saladrael 11:29 7k 2k, you bitching
Scientist 11:34 haha
Scientist 11:35 ROFL
Scientist 11:36 see
Scientist 11:38 your macro sucks
Scientist 11:59 7 k lol
Scientist 12:01 haha
Saladrael 12:06 gg