Post-Youth LC
LOTV Private
12 Mar, 2024 7:27 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Hupsaiya 03:30 It's so frustrating
Hupsaiya 03:30 that the make maps
Hupsaiya 03:30 with unwallable reaper cliffs
Hupsaiya 03:30 it's just
Hupsaiya 03:30 the stupidest possible decision
Hupsaiya 03:30 like
Hupsaiya 03:30 give me a ramp that my adept
Hupsaiya 03:30 can shade up and down
Hupsaiya 03:30 to get inside your base
Hupsaiya 03:30 that no other unit can use
Hupsaiya 03:30 so I can abuse you
Hupsaiya 03:30 2 minutes into the game
Hupsaiya 03:30 I don't understand
Hupsaiya 03:30 what these mapmakers are thinking
Hupsaiya 03:30 when they do shit like this
Practice 03:30 ye shared base too
Hupsaiya 03:30 you should
Hupsaiya 03:30 proxy rax
Practice 03:30 i dont get the random gold lol
Hupsaiya 03:30 every time on this map
Hupsaiya 03:30 there's 0 chance to wall the reaper ramps
Hupsaiya 03:30 and even if I did
Hupsaiya 03:30 my gateway is SO far away from my main
Hupsaiya 03:30 that's it's gonna be open over there instead
Hupsaiya 03:30 there's literally nothing I can do about it
Practice 03:30 stalker
Hupsaiya 03:30 bro
Hupsaiya 03:30 proxy rax
Hupsaiya 03:30 gets a reaper in protoss base
Hupsaiya 03:30 like 15 seconds before a gateway unit can finish
Hupsaiya 03:30 and it's 10x worse on no wall maps
Hupsaiya 03:30 because the reaper ALWAYS has an escape path
Hupsaiya 03:30 so you will literally never overextend with it
Hupsaiya 03:30 i just
Hupsaiya 03:30 don't get it
Hupsaiya 03:30 why they make map features
Hupsaiya 03:30 that so blatantly favor terran
Hupsaiya 03:30 but they can't even
Hupsaiya 03:30 think about
Hupsaiya 03:30 hows to do that for protoss
Hupsaiya 03:30 alright I'm sry
Hupsaiya 03:30 lets go
Practice 03:30 lol
Hupsaiya 03:30 it's just
Hupsaiya 03:30 crazy
Hupsaiya 03:30 right?
Practice 03:30 ye i get it
Hupsaiya 03:30 am I over exaggerating?
Hupsaiya 03:30 like when was the last time
Hupsaiya 03:30 ANY MAP had a feature that just blatantly favors protoss
Practice 03:30 bigger maps kinda favor toss
Hupsaiya 03:30 aight aight
Hupsaiya 03:30 lets go
Hupsaiya 03:30 3
Hupsaiya 03:30 2
Practice 03:30 rdy
Hupsaiya 03:30 1
Hupsaiya 04:32 lol
Hupsaiya 04:33 I was like
Practice 04:35 XD
Hupsaiya 04:39 "What is that giant red line???"
Hupsaiya 09:59 this is awful man
Hupsaiya 10:00 holy shit