Solaris LE
15 Mar, 2024 12:59 pm
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Nide 00:00 gl hf
Ryu 00:00 gl hf
Nide 00:34 gl hf
Ryu 01:20 not again ...
Nide 01:23 hm?
Ryu 02:19 just lost before
Ryu 02:21 against that
Ryu 03:04 and he lives !!
Nide 03:10 pervlord
Nide 03:11 gl hf
Nide 03:12 (hearts)
Nide 03:12 (hearts)
Ryu 05:02 I can
Ryu 05:03 tell
Ryu 05:05 you are not plat
Ryu 05:16 leave us noobies alone
Nide 05:17 oh thx
Nide 05:29 im even not plat
Nide 05:33 im silver/gold
Ryu 05:38 for sure not
Ryu 06:19 I will not surrender
Nide 06:33 there is no reason for it
Ryu 08:54 20 drones
Ryu 08:56 at 8min
Ryu 08:57 yeah sure
Nide 09:04 hmm ur zerg ?!
Ryu 09:10 haha
Ryu 10:59 doind my best
Ryu 11:01 I promise
Ryu 13:15 escape !!