Site Delta LE
24 Jan, 2024 9:45 pm
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Decimor 00:00 gl hf
Craytun 00:00 gl hf
Decimor 00:00 yessssssss
Craytun 00:06 ?
Decimor 03:02 that's a new one
Decimor 03:04 i like it
Craytun 03:06 LOL
Craytun 03:41 my bad bro
Craytun 03:44 i got ya twice
Craytun 03:47 with some crap lol
Decimor 03:49 i like it
Decimor 03:55 gotta see it so i can defend against it
Craytun 04:05 yeah
Craytun 04:09 the defence is so hard
Craytun 04:22 get a queen and surround it
Decimor 04:23 if i would've micro'd my drones right i think i could've got it