Goldenaura LE
31 Mar, 2024 9:04 pm
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Heaven 00:00 Glhf
RIP 00:00 i thought you were a terran player
Heaven 00:04 do i act like one
Heaven 00:05 XD
RIP 00:14 no i just thought
RIP 00:15 u were
RIP 00:18 vouching
RIP 00:22 for protoss
RIP 00:23 on reddit
RIP 00:28 as a unbiased T
Heaven 00:33 nope XD
Heaven 00:44 a terran would never help us
RIP 00:45 fellow biased P
RIP 00:50 yea nobody gives a shit
RIP 00:51 about P
RIP 00:52
RIP 01:05 that last patch
RIP 01:07 so sad
Heaven 01:15 i liked it tbh
RIP 01:22 u think
RIP 01:24 itll ahve real imapct tho
RIP 01:34 i guess
Heaven 01:34 cyclone and mine nerfs
RIP 01:35 the cyclone part
Heaven 01:36 are pretty big
RIP 01:36 is the big aprt
RIP 01:46 the ob nerf
RIP 01:48 just kinda scared me
RIP 01:50 but i gues sits ok
Heaven 01:56 yeah
RIP 02:02 tehy are prettty big
Heaven 02:02 theyre blimps now
RIP 02:08 ya
RIP 02:18 but then i look on replay
RIP 02:21 and its still ahrd af to see
RIP 02:24 if not in satelite mode
Heaven 02:29 need to nerf all invisible bs
RIP 02:33 i hate dt
Heaven 02:33 imo
RIP 02:34 so much
RIP 02:46 ill trade
RIP 02:47 a weaker dt
RIP 02:49 for any toss buff
Heaven 03:02 i love dts
RIP 03:08 u jsut said nerf invsis lmoao
Heaven 03:12 yeah true
Heaven 03:14 im fine with that
Heaven 03:17 but i hate new dt blink
Heaven 03:21 i bitched about it the other day
RIP 03:30 ya i saw lmao
RIP 04:22 gg