Catalesque CE
08 Apr, 2024 9:43 pm
20 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Buibui 00:00 glhf
Buibui 00:11 u cvasn take back base
Buibui 00:19 can
Khalifa 00:43 ok
Buibui 01:22 late racks
Buibui 05:53 where is the double gas going? expect some starport mech shit
Buibui 13:11 we got this
Khalifa 14:14 go
Buibui 17:15 both thewre
Buibui 17:33 I deal with BC
Khalifa 17:38 ok
Buibui 20:00 take more base please
Buibui 20:12 we re gonna lose maybe
Buibui 20:19 protoss