Amphion LE
20 Apr, 2024 3:46 pm
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Sarminator 00:00 glhf
Silence 00:00 3.2 mmr?
Sarminator 00:04 yes
Silence 00:06 lol
Silence 00:09 don ttalk to me
Silence 00:10 noob
Sarminator 00:14 ok
Sarminator 00:21 no talking
Sarminator 00:21 glhf
Silence 00:24 what a fucking joke
Silence 00:30 why am I play8ng losers like you?
Silence 01:44 total noob
Silence 01:46 no apm
Silence 02:00 i guess you only cheese
Silence 13:08 noob
Sarminator 13:10 weren't you supposed to be good?