Emerald City CE
20 Apr, 2024 10:36 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
HeyBuddie 00:07 Gl hf
MineralThief 00:10 switch?
HeyBuddie 00:13 ok
MineralThief 03:34 reapers
HeyBuddie 14:27 put some hellbats by the tanks, so they don't just die to lings
MİLLER 17:24 dumb luck bro
MineralThief 17:29 yeah
HeyBuddie 17:33 that we met you?
MineralThief 17:41 yeah
HeyBuddie 17:45 try not to proxy in vision
MİLLER 17:48 they are dumb luck
MİLLER 18:16 so dumb luck
HeyBuddie 18:24 but what is lucky?