Sludge City
14 Mar, 2024 2:43 am
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
PriorOpossum 00:09 hobo clan?
Dust 00:17 gl hf
PriorOpossum 00:20 as in hobo sexual?
Dust 00:34 one word, but yes.
Dust 00:37 you interested?
Slothmaster 00:40 we like em stinky
PriorOpossum 00:49 ew
PriorOpossum 00:56 hahah
PriorOpossum 01:06 good for you man
PriorOpossum 02:58 for narnia!!!!
PriorOpossum 07:30 gg
Dust 07:38
PriorOpossum 07:47 it's not that I don't believe in myself
PriorOpossum 07:54 is that I believe in you more
Slothmaster 08:10 (hearts)
Dust 08:13 you need to believe in the you that believes in the us that believes in you