Site Delta LE
27 Apr, 2024 9:36 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Catalyst 00:00 gl hf
Jast 04:21 hey gg
Catalyst 04:23 gg
Jast 04:29 i should have seen the Alln in coming from the name lol
Jast 04:36 lol
Catalyst 04:41 no just response to no army
Jast 04:48 and its saturday night so cheese is just going to be a thing i guess
Jast 04:50 sure sure
Jast 05:04 you blind opened with 2 ggas lol
Catalyst 05:12 that is all tvt
Catalyst 05:24 was gonna be defensive
Jast 05:28 you cant say it was a "response" its just your build
Catalyst 05:40 the attack was response
Jast 05:43 i just prefer the 1 rax FE
Jast 05:55 its harder and requires more skill
Catalyst 05:56 me too but it is too dangerous on ladder
Jast 06:08 if i wanted an easy aggressive play iud play toss
Jast 06:36 but whatever works for you
Jast 10:08 whelp
Jast 10:14 thats it for me i guess
Jast 10:21 i was reallly looking forward to a legit game for once
Jast 10:35 i take a tihrid you take a third and we see ewho is better ya know?
Jast 11:08 instead of just a super late 3 reaper 2 hellion 1 base