Sentinel CE
20 Apr, 2024 10:07 pm
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Toshiro 00:00 glhif!
Radiance 00:00 glhf
NeO 00:00 glhf
keing 00:02 glhf
FridCR 00:05 gl hf
keing 02:41 sorry I lost the discord
Toshiro 02:46 oo no worries
Toshiro 04:59 holding the rush
keing 05:09 kk
Toshiro 05:20 i'm gonna just push with my lings and then drone up
keing 06:20 let me know whhen ready
keing 07:24 gg
keing 07:26 ?
Toshiro 07:37 we can wait till they come over
keing 07:41 kk
Toshiro 08:20
Radiance 08:22 gg
Toshiro 08:23 gg!