Goldenaura LE
01 May, 2024 4:07 pm
16 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Fazy 00:00 gl hf
Chris 05:10 what do you get from it?
Fazy 05:20 sry ?
Chris 05:29 from being a sad, lonely smurfing cunt?
Fazy 05:45 just returning from a year stop
Chris 05:49 jaja
Chris 05:55 thats what all the sad fuckers say
Fazy 06:08 looks a my history .. i try unranked
Fazy 06:21 was diamand and you N??
Chris 06:22 yeh, cause smurfing doesn't mean more than one account
Chris 15:45 did you get what you needed?
Fazy 15:51 ggwxp
Fazy 15:54 was closed
Chris 15:56 fuck off, wanker