Dusk Towers
17 Apr, 2016 4:17 pm
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
llllllllllll 00:08 u want the freewin
crexis 00:12 why not
llllllllllll 00:15 u are no practice for me
llllllllllll 00:16 so
llllllllllll 00:20 ill roll over u
llllllllllll 00:21 and get +1
crexis 00:29 i know :/
llllllllllll 00:32 so u want it
llllllllllll 00:34 instead of practice
crexis 00:34 yes
crexis 00:38 hmm
llllllllllll 00:39 then ur dumb as a rock
llllllllllll 00:42 and ull never improve
crexis 00:49 no need
crexis 00:51 ^^
llllllllllll 00:58 fun
llllllllllll 01:00 tho
crexis 01:12 why not every now and then
llllllllllll 01:17 how is it fun
crexis 01:18 makes a guys day happpy
crexis 01:22 imaginary pts
crexis 01:23 xD
llllllllllll 01:24 it makes u happy
crexis 01:26 sure
llllllllllll 01:27 to get an undeserved win
crexis 01:31 sure
llllllllllll 01:35 how
llllllllllll 01:38 if u play for fun
crexis 01:43 no i go for pro
crexis 01:45 you know
llllllllllll 01:48 so
llllllllllll 01:50 how does that
llllllllllll 01:52 give u any
crexis 01:52 gonna beat the koreans
llllllllllll 01:53 edge?
crexis 01:53 soon
llllllllllll 01:57 if u go pro
crexis 02:00 ye
llllllllllll 02:00 and u play for no practice
crexis 02:12 no need practise lol
llllllllllll 02:17 rofl
llllllllllll 02:21 ur actually
llllllllllll 02:24 as dumb as a rock
crexis 02:26 yee
crexis 02:47 u mad?
llllllllllll 02:49 a bit
llllllllllll 02:52 playing ppl like u
llllllllllll 02:54 makes me tilt
llllllllllll 02:57 ur not any good
llllllllllll 03:00 also u give me -20
crexis 04:15 gz