Frost LE
14 Jul, 2016 9:34 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Carnage 00:04 glgl
Stonewall 00:09 what do you think of the new ladder?
Stonewall 00:12 gl hf
Carnage 00:14 love it
Carnage 00:23 motivation to play
Stonewall 00:28 true
Carnage 00:30 so many terrans though
Carnage 00:31 lolol
Stonewall 00:35 I never play any!
Carnage 00:42 youre the 5th one in a row
Stonewall 00:42 I'm always against zerg lately
Carnage 00:43 =[
Carnage 10:48 gg