Newkirk Precinct TE (Void)
19 Jan, 2017 7:39 am
12 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Pokebunny 00:02 gl
Roomba 00:05 gl hf
Pokebunny 00:14 i dont see how marauder could be good
Pokebunny 00:15 excepty vs fe
Roomba 00:22 they kill cyclones
Pokebunny 00:31 if you 2 rax mb
Roomba 00:33 nah
Roomba 00:34 you just
Roomba 00:35 have to micro
Pokebunny 00:37 1 rax of marauders isnt enough
Pokebunny 00:39 but he just holds ramp
Pokebunny 00:46 and makes a lib
Pokebunny 00:48 or a medivac
Roomba 00:52 i can still do those things myself
Roomba 00:59 if i don't expand out of it
Pokebunny 01:07 but you are needlessly behind
Pokebunny 01:12 i dont see how you can ever get ahead
Roomba 01:16 i dunno
Roomba 01:21 i just see major do it every tvt
Pokebunny 01:25 interesting
Roomba 01:25 and somehow he makes it work
Roomba 11:55 where did alll my bio go
Roomba 11:59 i had so much in my main base
Roomba 12:02 and they all died
Pokebunny 12:06 8 tanks lol
Roomba 12:09 i mean i hadl ike
Roomba 12:10 4 in my main
Pokebunny 12:14 2
Roomba 12:14 and you sieged down there
Roomba 12:28 and then my whole main abse army dissapeared
Roomba 12:31 g