Proxima Station LE
09 May, 2017 9:41 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
AntiBarcode 00:42 May the blessed light of DAVID KIM shine upon thee.
ViBE 01:04 how DAVID KIM of you to say that
ViBE 01:11 thou art truly blessed
AntiBarcode 01:25 amen, brother of ROOT
AntiBarcode 01:44 yet you are only a child in the ways of TEXAS BBQ
ViBE 02:05 i will dine on thine TEXAS BBQ
AntiBarcode 02:24 so shall it be
ViBE 10:25 thou shall not kill thine spirit but destroy thine body
AntiBarcode 10:30 amen
AntiBarcode 10:39 and ye shall meme eternal
ViBE 10:43 well fought
AntiBarcode 10:45 gg