Acolyte LE
28 Jul, 2017 8:21 pm
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:16 u r wasting too much harrasing
BeIieve 23:18 how bad
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:18 u dont have army
BeIieve 23:19 you can be
BeIieve 23:20 and play z
BeIieve 23:22 utterly hilarious
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:26 u r protoss and u r shit
BeIieve 23:32 yeah 1 p ro16
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:33 kill urself
BeIieve 23:34 and ia beats stats
BeIieve 23:35 gtfo retard
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:36 KILL URSELF
BeIieve 23:38 so bad
LlegoLaÑonGa 23:41 byeee