Hosted For

Abandoned Camp
27 Jul, 2017 7:02 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Mamba 00:49 thermy what do you think about the reapernerf?
aGaham 01:00 why dont u ask me
marcj 01:01 yes
Paragon 01:09 does it destroy your progaming career?
Djorjx 01:10 32323232323
Djorjx 01:10 232323
Djorjx 01:10 23
Djorjx 01:10 232
Djorjx 01:10 32
Mamba 01:10 agaham what do you think about the reapernerf?
Paragon 01:10 Heartattack.
Mamba 01:10 1a1a1a
Djorjx 01:10 FeelsBadMan
marcj 01:10 33333334343434343434424242334424233333333
Mamba 01:10 f2af2a
marcj 01:21 yes
Malgo 01:31 why u dont play 1v1?
Paragon 01:42 Is 3rax bad on new maps?
marcj 01:42 its 3 am love
Djorjx 01:44 koud maken
Mamba 02:10 pls don't kill him
Djorjx 02:14 5 eu
Malgo 02:34 cant believe its the real you
marcj 02:44 why not
Malgo 03:17 dont know
marcj 09:24 gg
Djorjx 09:26 g