Monobattle LotV - Map Rotation
LOTV Private
28 May, 2017 11:27 pm
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MegaValdy 00:33
Aldjiunar 00:37 lol
MegaValdy 00:39 geeze
MegaValdy 00:41 haha
MicroJackson 00:42 well..
MicroJackson 00:44 shit
Sociopath 00:46 WELCOME TO HELL
Aldjiunar 00:49 lets do this!
Sociopath 01:03 Mutalisks fucking wreck us
MicroJackson 01:05 these just will cheese
ChuckNorris 01:14 ezpz
Sociopath 01:21 calm down there muta boy
MicroJackson 01:22 rude
ChuckNorris 01:35 mah bad
Sociopath 01:44 Lots of anti air I guess
MicroJackson 01:50 yea
Aldjiunar 01:52 all the turrets
Sociopath 02:03 Fuckin mutas
MicroJackson 02:10 just gotta hit them before muta
Sociopath 02:21 Our muaruders gotta do some early shit
MicroJackson 02:22 im rushing out oracles.
MicroJackson 02:29 hopefullt marauder does for the spire
Aldjiunar 02:42 i'll try
MicroJackson 03:52 hes rushing them out too
MicroJackson 03:55 so watchout
MicroJackson 04:26 rocks
MicroJackson 04:29 prob easier
Sociopath 04:44 get turrets n shit ready
Sociopath 05:06 fuckin mutas
MicroJackson 05:13 lol
Aldjiunar 05:44 lol nothing like mutas to bring the team
MicroJackson 06:03 fuuck
Sociopath 07:05 why can't I ever get anything godo
ChuckNorris 07:14 cause u touch urself at night
MegaValdy 07:41 GG
MicroJackson 07:49 yea that
Aldjiunar 07:54