King Sejong Station LE
Heart of the Swarm AutoMM
27 May, 2014 7:40 am
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Namkek 00:08 gl hf
Fuego 01:23 im so sleep deprived that i wanted to proxy rax
Fuego 01:27 and forgot about that
Fuego 01:29 TT
Namkek 01:40 how do i know
Namkek 01:47 you're not just saying that
Fuego 01:56 you could scout
Namkek 02:00 to lull me into a false sense of security
Namkek 02:05 maybe you want me to scout
Namkek 02:08 to lose minerals
Namkek 02:13 knowing i would think you're lying
Fuego 02:25 you should always scout
Namkek 02:29 i know
Namkek 02:35 #MINDGAMES
Fuego 02:36 unleast you know the player
Namkek 02:43 i always do
Namkek 02:44 just saying
Fuego 03:02 the reason i didnt scout
Fuego 03:06 was couse i forgot T
Fuego 03:07 TT
Namkek 03:09 TT
Namkek 03:17 but you are scouting
Namkek 03:19 O.o
Fuego 03:21 late
Fuego 03:26 like if u went rax
Fuego 03:31 then gas
Fuego 03:35 i wont see anything
Namkek 03:52 you always se
Namkek 03:53 see
Namkek 03:55 if reaper or not
Fuego 04:13 my friend theres more builds than that in tvt
Fuego 04:19 scvary buidld
Namkek 04:21 i nkow
Namkek 04:25 but you can know if reaper
Namkek 04:28 or if something els
Namkek 04:36 eliminate
Namkek 04:42 1 possibility
Namkek 04:44 or all but 1
Fuego 04:49 if you scout 1 marine its 12 gas
Namkek 04:54 scouting earlier won't tell you what it is anyway
Fuego 04:58 but so many variations nowdays
Namkek 05:08 sure
Fuego 05:09 you need to know 2nd gas timing
Namkek 05:11 won
Namkek 05:15 won't let you know which one
Fuego 05:15 or delay it
Namkek 05:19 2nd gas timing
Fuego 05:23 it will let you know or delay 2nd gas timing
Namkek 05:27 is usually after you can chase the scv away
Fuego 05:44 thats a delayed 2nd gas im happy with that
Namkek 05:52 earlier doesn't really help
Namkek 05:55 i don't think
Namkek 05:58 even for banshee rush
Fuego 05:59 its better
Fuego 06:06 to get it earlier
Fuego 06:08 else you wont
Fuego 06:16 get exatct gas
Fuego 06:19 exact gas
Fuego 06:22 for the banshee asap
Fuego 06:29 meaning is easier to defend
Namkek 06:29 hmm idk
Namkek 06:39 i don't go fast banshee a lot
Namkek 06:44 not entirely sure
Namkek 06:49 what the 2nd gas timing is
Fuego 07:13 it used to be m fav build
Fuego 07:43 then 15 gas marine pressure happened
Namkek 07:47 yeah
Namkek 08:02 the 15 gas
Namkek 08:05 6 marine
Namkek 08:08 medivac
Namkek 08:11 3 hellions attack
Namkek 08:14 shits on double reaper
Fuego 08:15 actually
Namkek 08:17 if controlled well
Fuego 08:22 15 gas
Fuego 08:26 6 marines
Fuego 08:36 2 hellions
Fuego 08:52 hits b4 the banshee is out
Namkek 09:10 yeah
Namkek 09:22 i always lose a lot
Namkek 09:30 to the banshee after though
Namkek 09:31 TT
Namkek 19:32 god damn it
Namkek 19:35 im playing like shit today