Blackpink LE
LOTV Private
28 Jan, 2018 10:14 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Seigifried 16:40 fuck tsig amre
Seigifried 16:44 literally impossible
Seigifried 16:45 can;t attack
Seigifried 16:46 you
Seigifried 16:50 at all
Seigifried 16:51 can';t expo
Seigifried 16:54 can't beat your army
Seigifried 16:57 whats the point
Seigifried 16:58 in playing
Ukko 17:21 I dont think you should be competing if that's your mentality
Ukko 17:23 with all due respect
Seigifried 17:30 yea
Seigifried 17:33 comes from the zerg
Seigifried 17:59 guy who legit
Seigifried 18:01 sits on tier 1 tech
Seigifried 18:03 for 15 mins
Seigifried 18:16 no thought needed
Seigifried 18:20 and then a-moves
Seigifried 18:21 infestors