Neon Violet Square LE
01 Feb, 2018 10:56 am
23 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MisterL 00:03 glgl
Emperor 00:07 GL HF
MisterL 00:22 are you norwegian?
Emperor 00:25 Yes
MisterL 00:40 I heard you teach sc2?
Emperor 00:47 Yupp
MisterL 00:51 nice !
MisterL 00:57 at a uni or something
Emperor 01:06 At a school, but not quite uni
MisterL 01:22 how many students? :P
Emperor 01:57 Esport course has 30 in total
MisterL 02:04 and sc2?
MisterL 02:07 like 3?
Emperor 02:07 Only 1 :P
MisterL 02:21 ahh right
MisterL 02:23 masternoodle then
Emperor 02:26 Yupp
MisterL 02:34 he must be your proudest student :P
Emperor 23:46 GG