Arche d’Aïur
16 Feb, 2018 2:48 pm
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Kurdle 00:06 yo yo hf
Toperator 00:43 time to do amis special xd
Dinma 00:49 xd
Dinma 00:55 time for me do adnap build
Toperator 00:58 xd
Kurdle 01:25 these guys...
Dinma 06:10 delete spire
Dinma 08:24 he get spire
Dinma 08:34 t3
Toperator 08:37 x
Dinma 08:39 he scout you ,
Dinma 08:41 ?
Toperator 10:05 if u have spear gas
Dinma 10:17
Dinma 12:42 that move was a bit bad
Dinma 12:46 but this map
Dinma 12:46 xd
Dinma 13:04 let's pewpew
Dinma 13:06 and yamto
Toperator 13:08 um need money ?
Dinma 13:13 no it's ok
Dinma 14:09 need supply
Dinma 16:10 infest
ReGiCiDe 20:45 gg